The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, May 10, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Good Soccer Assured Local Fans
With the organization of the American Soccer League, local fans are given the assurance of seeing probably the best soccer ever produced in this section next season. Nat that the soccer presented here in the past has been an inferior brand but rather that more soccer of first magnitude will be staged on the local grounds as a result of the organization of the league. Heretofore it was usually in cup games that greater interest was manifested and since these classics are conducted on the elimination plan, it was quite frequent that some of the best teams in the competition were dropped before Bethlehem had a chance to meet them. In addition, fans had to gamble on the draw and quite frequently the big games were played elsewhere. The league, however, assures that each of the clubs included in the circuit will play at least one game on the home grounds and with interest predicted as keen as in the cup competitions, it means nothing less than the best soccer. The circuit is composed of the strongest clubs in the country, and unlike the National League, will be conducted stringently along regulations described and with rigid discipline exacted.

Circuit Takes Precedence
Having secured the best teams in organizing the strongest league ever in the East, the new circuit takes precedence over the National League and with the best of the clubs of the old circuit included in the new outfit it would be of little surprise if the Nationals went under. The league is believed even stronger than the old Eastern League organized some years ago when such teams as the Hibernians, Thistles, Fall River and several others of similar caliber were included in the circuit. The management of the National League, particularly during the last two seasons, was decidedly loose and no one will regret the withdrawal of the clubs from this circuit to enter the new organization. While Sunday games are certain not to be played in Bethlehem, a number of cities allow the Sabbath tilt and schedules will probably be arranged for two games over the weekend, scheduling Saturday contests in cities where the ban is placed on the Sunday gams, and traveling for a game on the Sabbath. It is reported that at the organization meeting all the teams represented announced through their delegates that several new players will be signed for the next season and all efforts devoted toward making it an evenly balanced league.

Local Officials May Cast Lot with Quakers
Gleaned from conversations heard in Bethlehem soccer circles relating to the announcement of the formation of the new league, great concern is evident in the report that one of the staunchest devotees of the sport in this city and the guiding rein of the Bethlehem F. C., would organize and manage the Philadelphia team. It is feared that little attention will be devoted to the local club with all efforts centered on the organization of a strong team to represent Philadelphia. This feeling apparently is agitated by the frequent report that Philadelphia promoters were dickering to have the crack Bethlehem outfit transferred to that city, and that is just about what Bethlehem fans fear will ultimately transpire. According to the gist of an interview held recently with the official in question, no fear need be entertained in this respect for the interest taken in the organization of the Quaker City club is merely temporary and solicited because of the vast experience of this official in building up a strong and representative team. Once the team is organized and on a fair road to success, local interest will be withdrawn and the club turned over for the exclusive management of the Philadelphia promoters. Bethlehem has a number of first class players on the reserve list and a good many of these will probably be released to be signed to play with the Philadelphia F. C.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club