One More Soccer Game, Maybe
Whether Bethlehem soccer enthusiasts will have an opportunity to cast their gaze on another game this season depends entirely on what J & P Coats of Pawtucket, R. I., is successful in doing in the two games to be campaigned before a scheduled visit to Bethlehem on the afternoon of May 18. As it is understood if Coats wins one of the two remaining league engagements still to be played before the date scheduled for the Bethlehem clash, the curtain was dropped on soccer activities insofar as Bethlehem is concerned when the Bethlehem's opposed and lost to Paterson at the latter place last Sunday. The players are hoping that fate will be good to them and that Pawtucket gets the "air" in the next two starts so that the New Englanders will have to come to Bethlehem for a game. Not alone would the fruits of victory be forthcoming in this clash, but it is believed that if the trip to Bethlehem is found worth while and to be of advantage to either teams, the American League honors would rest on the outcome. As it now stands some of those early season defeats for the Bethlehem team, most notably the setback at the hands of the Phillies in the first or second start of the season, proved decidedly disastrous and it looks very much as though Coats with "Whitey" Fleming and Jock Ferguson, former local celebrities, will close the season as American League champions.