The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, May 21, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Bethlehem Still in the Running
Soccer activities out around the Bethlehem Steel gym, the home of the Bethlehem F. C., became quite a bit more pronounced when the news was flashed from New York that the New York F. C. succeeded in defeating the J & P Coats by the score of 3 to 1. All of which means that although Bethlehem is trailing in second position in the league standing, the locals still have a chance at crashing through. And stranger things than that have happened before in sports. This is the way it sizes up today: Coats is leading the league with Bethlehem trailing close as runner up. Coats has complied a total of 42 points to 40 for the latter. However, the league leaders have the advantage, or maybe disadvantage, in having two more games to play to one for Bethlehem. Bethlehem's lone game is with Coats on June 2 and after that fracas Coats will be forced to journey to the grounds of the Paterson club to meet the National champions in a tilt that may help Bethlehem come through. Should Coats lose both remaining games, the Steel Workers will be tied for the honors. However, should Coats win either one the league bunting goes to Pawtucket, R. I. Coats defeated Paterson at Pawtucket, R. I., on Saturday by the score of 5 goals to 1. However, the New York F. C. came through for a victory in New York Oval yesterday afternoon which prevented the league leaders from clinching the pennant. The next game for both teams will be here on June 2. In the meantime there is ample opportunity for the Bethlehems to get busy and brush up for the important tile.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club