The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, May 23, 1921
British Soccer Stars Are Arriving and Being Signed Up by Eight Teams

W. Luther Lewis, manager of the Bethlehem F. C. and organizer of the new Philadelphia F. C., was honored with the presidency at a special meeting of the newly formed American Soccer League, held in New York on Saturday night. The league has a membership of eight clubs in as many different cities and was definitely organized with the election of officers. The wealth of business transacted by the moguls can best be gleaned by the fact that the session, held at the Hotel Astor, did not adjourn until 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning. The following clubs were represented: Bethlehem Steel F. C., Philadelphia F. C., New York F. C., Harrison F. C. (formerly the Erie A. A.), Celtics of New Jersey F. C., Todd's Shipyards F. C., Fall River F. C. and J & P Coats F. C.

Other officers elected with Mr. Lewis were: vice president, R. S. Cummings of Pawtucket; treasurer, Fred J. Smith, of Todd's Shipyards; secretary, Thomas W. Cahill, and recording secretary, J. E. Schofield.

The rules and by-laws drawn up by the special committee appointed on May 7 were read and after several alterations, were agreed upon. A long discussion took lace as to pooling the gate receipts, but it was finally decided that each home club retain the money received. The secretary reported that the guarantee of $500 from each club had been received and the $4,000 was ordered turned over to the treasurer.

British soccer stars have already begun to arrive to get a place in the new professional league. Porter, the crack Hearts' forward of the Scottish League, landed in Philadelphia yesterday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club