The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, May 24, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Crack Scottish Eleven to Play Here
Since announcement was made some time ago relative to a probable visit here of the crack Scottish Professional eleven for a game with the Bethlehem F. C., and no reference to the game having since been announced, has led many devotees of the sport to fear that the pans were abandoned. This, however, is not the case and the matter of clinching the games is pending only on the smoothing out of differences between the Dominion Association and the U. S. F. A. No official announcement has been made, but it is learned from an authoritative source that if the Canadian faction sanctions the invasion into America, Bethlehem will be one of the few cities visited, together with Philadelphia and New York. The probability then is that the Bethlehem F. C. will meet the visitors on two occasions, once in Bethlehem and again in Philadelphia, where the local team has become quite popular with the Quaker fans. The team to oppose the tourists in New York would probably be the Robins Dry Dock, winner of the national soccer honors. It is understood that the Scotch players, many of whom have close and intimate friends among the American clubs, quite a number of whom are with Bethlehem, are desirous of visiting this country and their influence together with other weighty interests that are said to be in favor of games with Bethlehem, may aid materially in adjusting the trouble. The visitors have arrived in Canada where the team is slated for a long series of games.

Star Player Here on Visit; May Remain
Bethlehem is apparently the goal of all invading soccerites for in recent year the majority of Scottish and English stars who have come to this country, either on visits or to remain headed straight for Bethlehem. This is likely due to the fact that the activities of the crack local eleven are well known on foreign shores, probably more so than any other American club; and also because many of their predecessors with whom they are acquainted are either located in this city or vicinity and before making a final decision as to their future destinations, come here to get the lay of the land. One of the latest arrivals, here on a visit and in all likelihood who will remain, is William Porter, one of the celebrities of the Heart's eleven in the Scottish League. Reference was made to his arrival in Philadelphia papers as a most likely possibility for the new team to be organized in that city. Porter, accompanied by Mrs. Porter, came to America on a visit and during their stay are the guests of William Collier, one of the members of the Bethlehem F. C. Porter's arrival soon became known in soccer circles and negotiations were immediately started for his retention. A player of the caliber of Porter would be a material asset in the organization of a new team and apparently it did not take the Philadelphia promoters long to learn this . At least, it is said that they were dickering with him in hopes of having him remain, and should he decided to do so, he will most likely cast his lot with the new Philadelphia club in the recently organized American League. Porter's achievements as a famous halfback are well known in this country. In Scotland he played with the Heart's club in the first division of the Scottish League, a circuit recognized as the strongest in that country. Porter, it is understood, has as yet come to no decision, but is favorably considering the proposition to remain here.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club