One Big Soccer Game
Although late in the season there will be at least one more soccer game in this city and an attraction to which is attached more than passing significance. The game in question is the clash in the American League on the Steel Field next Saturday afternoon when the Bethlehem F. C. try conclusions with the Strong J & P Coats, the latter league leaders, in a contest that may give Bethlehem another chance for a meeting with Coats outfit to decide the American League pennant. Great interest is manifest in this contest, for Coats comes here with a two point lead in the league race.
Many Favorites with Coats Team
While the majority of soccer fans will be loyal to the home club quite a few can hardly help feeling somewhat partial to the visitors, for the simple reason that Coats will invade this territory with three former prime Bethlehem favorites in the lineup. Most prominent of the former Bethlehem celebrities will be "Jock" Ferguson, the crack back, whose brother Davy will be seen in action with the Bethlehem club; Whitey Fleming, the veteran wingman who still seems to possess his old time speed and accuracy in locating the net, and Sam Fletcher.