The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, May 31, 1923
Steel Footballists Tapes Off in Training for Coats Game Saturday.

The J & P Coats vs. Bethlehem clash, on the Steel Field, Saturday, should be bitterly fought from start to finish, as the result will have an important bearing on the final destination of the pennant.

Coats must lose to both Bethlehem and the National Cup holders, Paterson F. C., before a tie is possible, a draw in any one of the two remaining games on the Coats' schedule will give them the pennant by one point.

In the event that the league ends in a tie, a deciding game will be played possibility at Harrison Field or New York Oval. Paterson is completely out of the running but has set its heart on reversing that five to one defeat handed it a few weeks ago at Pawtucket by the threadmen.

Two former stars on the Bethlehem championship team are the leading lights on the Coats' outfit. Whitey Fleming is now the idol of Pawtucket and is playing as well as ever, and his reliable left foot has been responsible for many of the points that have placed his team in the top rung of the pennant leader. Jock Ferguson, for several years a bulwark in the Bethlehem defense, is still mixing brains with brawn and is the outstanding back in the game today.

Carnihan, Bethlehem's center halfback, now has completely recovered from the injure he received in the Paterson game and will be seen in his regular position on Saturday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club