The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, June 2, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Scotch Soccerites Here July 13
One of the biggest soccer classics probably ever staged in Bethlehem is booked for July 13, when the crack Scottish Professionals will invade the lair of the Bethlehem Steel Workers. While definite arrangements have not yet been completed, no trouble, however, is expected in closing with the touring soccer clan. The arrangements are in charge of Thomas W. Cahill who, it is understood, is arranging a schedule of six games which will bring the Scottish team in contact with the Bethlehem team, one in this city on July 13, and the other in Philadelphia three days later.

Will Shortly Start Training
Training will not be started by the Bethlehem players until definite word is received and which probably will be forthcoming within the next few days. Advices from the Dominion authorities are to the effect that they will sanction the American invasion. Whatever differences existed between the Dominion and American soccer moguls, it is understood, have been amicably adjusted. The Bethlehem players have done little or no training since the close of the season. However, many are daily visitors to the Bethlehem Steel Company's gymnasium where they keep in condition throughout the off-season. Just as soon as definite word is received, the big athletic field will again be the scene of much activity with the Bethlehem crowd priming for the game. Many of the tourists are personally acquainted with Bethlehem Steel players and are looking forward to the clash with keen anticipation. To date the team has lost no games and appeared against the pick of the best players in various Canadian districts. The outcome of the home meet will settle all arguments relative to the merits of the American clubs and establish their rating in comparison with the big European soccer teams

Soccer Fans Fortunate
The game is one that would be desired in almost any soccer center in the United States and promises to be a rare treat for all devotees of the sport in the Lehigh Valley. It was due to the persistent and untiring efforts of men personally interested in the Bethlehem club that the games were secured and is probably one of the most expensive ventures ever negotiated here. Those responsible for the games, however, feel that their efforts will be well rewarded and that the fans will turn out en masse in appreciation of what they are doing. Furthermore, it is expected that many enthusiasts, prominent in the sport, will journey to Bethlehem to witness the game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club