The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, June 3, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Practically Definite for Big Soccer Classic
While no official announcement has yet been made, it was learned from an authoritative source that the two games between the Bethlehem Steel F. C. and the all-star aggregation of Scotland are a certainty and that official word to that effect will be made within the next few days by Thomas W. Cahill, who is in charge of arranging the games for the tourists in America. July 13 and 16 are the dates selected with one game to be played in Bethlehem and the other in Philadelphia. Just which date will be reserved for the home tilt is not yet decided, but in all likelihood it will be the opening clash. Soccer fans throughout the Lehigh Valley and even farther points will undoubtedly greet this announcement with keen delight. The contest will give the future greats, and many of them there are in this vicinity, as well as soccer devotees, the opportunity of seeing in action one of the greatest teams that ever invaded American shores. In the Bethlehem F. C. the tourists will meet America's most representative eleven, despite the defeats during the past season in being eliminated in the American and National Cup classics. Prior to this season and for many years previous, Bethlehem enjoyed the distinction of being the foremost soccer aggregation in the country and has lost little if any of its prestige. Locally the past season was more or less an experiment in which a lot of new blood was injected into the Steel Workers' makeup. This experimental stage, however, is at an end and it is predicted that the Bethlehem club, with its bevy of old and new stars, will again develop into the leading soccer aggregation in the country.

Tourists Have Found Little Opposition
It may fall to the lot of the Bethlehem clan to check the winning stride of the tourists, who to date have apparently had easy sailing. Victory was garnered in each of the four games played against the crack Canadian clubs, the tourist rolling up a total of 23 points to three scored by their opponents. Of the four games, two were shut-outs. The Scotch eleven opened the tour with Halifax, winning by the score of 7 to 0 and followed this victory with decisive wins over Montreal, 4 to 2, Hamilton, Ont., 6 to 0, and Toronto, 4 to 1. Bethlehem's chances against the visitors can best be gleaned by a comparison of scores in games in which the Steel Workers met opponents mowed down by the tourists. It was before Bethlehem sailed to Sweden that the team invaded Canada and defeated the all-star aggregation at Hamilton by the score of 2 to 1, and the following day administered a defeat to a picked eleven representing Toronto by the score of 2 to 1. The visitors, however, are anything but a setup, but rather a team comprised of the foremost players in Europe. Apparently by the scores they have not been yet forced to extend themselves and were successful in winning easily by their brilliant play. The club boasts of having eight international players on the team.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club