Coats Eleven Awarded Title
J & P Coats of Pawtucket, R. I., was declared the winner of the American Soccer League pennant and championship at the closing meeting of the season held at the Astor Hotel, New York City, Sunday. T here was some argument relative to the action of the Rhode Island clan in forfeiting the point to Bethlehem in a game scheduled here on May 26, the day before Coats met Paterson at Paterson, but no action other than forfeiting the points was taken. The meeting oft he league will be held in New York City on June 23 at which it is believed that plans will be laid for next season.
Philadelphia Not Certain of Membership
The Philadelphia F. C. is not certain of retaining its membership in the American Soccer League according to gossip emanating from the Quaker City. A meeting is to be held in that city in the near future for the purpose of deciding upon the place for next season and to determine whether or not a club is to be represented in the American Soccer League next fall. Under many difficulties the management was able to carry the club along successfully. The meeting will give an opportunity for all those interested in soccer to be present and voice their sentiments and decide whether or not Philadelphia shall remain in the league. Conditions last season apparently were little improved over those of the year previous. Two seasons ago the Bethlehem team played under the name of the Philadelphia F. C. and turned in a championship in the initial year oft he American Soccer League. Had the club been exclusively a home affair the season would at least have been self supporting. However, the transportation of players back and forth over the weekends the team played at home cut a big rift in the finances and it is believed the management dropped some money. Strange that Philadelphia with its large populace to draw from cannot promote a self-supporting team.