The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, June 16, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Players Anxious for Scottish Tilt
Bethlehem Steel soccer players are rejoicing over the announcement that negotiations have been definitely closed for a game with the crack Scottish eleven, to be staged in Bethlehem on the afternoon of July 13. When the word was passed through the ranks, it was favorably received and immediately the players speeded up in their athletic activities in condition for the contest. The selection of the team will in all likelihood be deferred until the last minute and the final choice be made pending the physical condition of the players. Ninety minutes of action under a torrid sun are going to be nothing less than a grueling experience. Players anticipating the game as a probability have been busy continually since the close of the season and after a brief session of preliminary workouts, it is believed that the squad will be mustered together for long and hard practice sessions within another week. The guarantee in bringing the Scottish players here is said to exceed the thousand-dollar mark and those fostering the project are endeavoring to have the event recognized as a civic affair, with international color, and will solicit the aid of civic and other bodies in making it a success.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club