Will Increase Seating Capacity for Scots
The interest manifest in Philadelphia in the impending clash with the Third Lanarks, the touring delegation of Scottish soccerites, is apparent by the extensive arrangement being made for their reception in that city where the second of the seven games to be played in this country will be staged. Bethlehem, however, will have the honor of introducing the Scots to the American brand and style of football, meeting the invaders on the Bethlehem Steel Company athletic field on Wednesday afternoon, July 13. The following Saturday the team will be the attraction in the City of Brotherly Love. Both games were arranged by the Bethlehem management and the teams to represent both this city and Philadelphia will be practically the same, with the possible exception that a few Philadelphia players will be included in the second game to add a bit of local color. The announcement of the contest in Philadelphia has created quite a furor in the ranks of soccer fans who look forward to the contest as the opening run in the revival of interest in the sport in that city, which years ago was decidedly popular with the fans. The favorable attitude of the fans and the cordial reception planned for the Scottish big leaguers by the Quakers is gleaned from the following article in the Philadelphia newspaper, announcing the game:
"According to present arrangements t is planned to send a combination Bethlehem-Philadelphia team against the Scotchmen in this city which will prove more than usually interesting particularly to local soccer followers owing to home talent being included in the lineup. The game in this city will be staged at Cahill Field, Twenty-ninth and Cambria streets, while the one at Bethlehem will be played at the Bethlehem Athletic Field, the home of the champion Bethlehem.
"On account of the intense interest that is already being manifested in the coming games, particularly among local followers, it is the intention of those having charge of the match in this city to increase the seating capacity at Cahill Field by building new stands and bleachers expressly for the coming game. It was not announced, however, what local players will be included in the lineup to play here. That matter being left over at the meeting yesterday until at least several days prior to the match so that the management is in a better position to pick out the strongest players after combing over the list of last season's stars.
"Two new players who have recently arrived from England -- Porter, of the Hearts, of Scotland, and Rutherford, of Bright and Home, both halfbacks -- will play against the Scotchmen. Both players are visiting in Bethlehem, having arrived in this country at the same time as the Scotch team which is playing sensational soccer in Canada. After the match in this city and at Bethlehem, the Scotch team will play at Harrison, N. J., and New York before sailing for home where the various players are due to be in readiness for the opening of the Scottish soccer season early in August. Popular prices will prevail for both games scheduled by the Bethlehem management."