The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, June 18, 1921
Soccer Notes
When the Scottish All-Star Soccer team visits Bethlehem for a game with the Steel Workers on July 13th, local fans will have an opportunity to see the player who is regarded as the most brilliant center forward playing the game. Bethlehem have always been fortunate in having good center forwards. The clever Bob Miller taking good care of the position for several seasons and was followed by the fearless and aggressive Harry Ratican. The present holder of this most important position has ably kept up the Bethlehem reputation for good center forwards. However, the three players mentioned would probably be the first to admit that Andrew Wilson, the Scottish International Star now touring with the All-Stars in Canada is in a class by himself.
His work for his club and for his country has been exceptionally fine and several of the leading clubs in Britain are out with record offers for his transfer. His control of the ball is perfect, but his most outstanding asset is his ability to shoot hard and true from any angle and at the most unexpected moment. In the International game between Scotland and England last April he scored two of the three goals registered by the Scots, the final score being three goals to none. Over 100,000 witnessed the game. During the present tour in Canada he has been especially marked out for attention by the opposing defense but all efforts to stop him have proved to be futile. Can Bethlehem Steel put a center halfback on the field that is capable of stopping him? That is the question that will be answered on July 13th.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club