Aftermath of Big Soccer Tilt
Numerous versions relative to the collapse of the Bethlehem F. C. in the closing minutes of play against the All-Star Scottish eleven proved to be the chief topic of discussion in almost every sporting emporium throughout the city yesterday. Followers of football and others were unable to understand the demoralizing effects so apparent as against the usual steady combination of the Bethlehem players, but after all is said, all are unanimous in conceding the visitors superiority in every department. It is heard that probably the short cleats have had something to do with the unsteadiness of the players on the heavy sodded turf but in opposition to his argument comes the response that the cleats were of regulation size and furthermore did not seem to handicap the players in the opening half when they so brilliantly held the Scotch invaders to an even break. The recently cropped grass, shorn the day previous to the game, is also attributed as a reason for the slippery turf and the unsteady footing of the home players. Lack of proper conditioning, lack of scrimmage and other versions have been expressed by those more familiar with the sport. The most logical argument would, however, appear to have been the miserable display of Duncan, in goal, whose ragged performance was probably the worst display of his career. Naturally against an opponent of the caliber of the Scottish clan, the ease with which the shots penetrated the net was certain to upset the morale of any crowd of athletes and have a demoralizing effect on their playing. It was mainly through the fault of Duncan, whose experience probably in the Scandinavian games won him the selection over the other candidates for this position, that the score mounted to the high total that it did, the most severe defeat experienced by the Bethlehem clan in all the years of its soccer campaigning. Above all, one dare not overlook the fact that man for man, the visitors with their well balanced aggregation were superior to the Bethlehem club and earned a well merited victory.
Many Changes in Proposed Lineup
As the result of the game played here, many local players expecting to be included in the personnel to represent All-Philadelphia in its crusade against the Third Lanark tomorrow afternoon will be keenly disappointed. Prior to the Bethlehem game it was believed that the team to oppose the Scotchmen in this city would practically be intact when flying the colors of the Philadelphia crowd. However, in glancing over the lineup announced it is noticed that several of these have been omitted and that Philadelphia will have a fair sprinkling of its own exponents. Ferguson, Murray, Brittan and Fleming are the four Bethlehem players, in addition to Porter and Rutherford, a pair of backs, who, it is understood, will be signed with the Philadelphia club in the new American League for next seasons. The lineup announced last night is: Ness, goal; McLaughlin and Ferguson, fullbacks; Murray, Porter and Rutherford, halfbacks; Andrews, J. McGhee, Brittain, B. McGhee and Fleming, forwards.