Scots Well Paid for American Tour
According to figures, the Third Lanarks, the crack all-star Scottish team which appeared in this city against the Bethlehem F. C. was well paid for extending the original tour from Canada into America. Although not authoritative, it is understood that the Untied States Football Association guaranteed the Dominion Association $12,600 for a schedule of six games, or a total of $2,100 for a game. It was through the courtesy of the Dominion Association, however, that the American tour was made possible. Just what terms were negotiated between the Scots and Canadian football authorities is not known but apparently the crowds attending the long schedule of games in Canada, the association as well as the players were well rewarded. While the tourists were guaranteed over $2,000 for each game played in America, it is believed that in every one of the six contests the Scots exercised the privilege of accepting 75 percent of receipts. In addition to the guarantee or percentage privilege, all expenses were paid by the U. S. F. A. Under these terms, the players, about 16 in number, profited largely by sharing alike in the receipts for their display of Scottish soccer in America. The U. S. F. A. on the other hand was fortunate if after all expenses were paid it had any funds remaining to divert to the association treasury. While the crowds did not anywhere near the number of fans the Scots are used to playing before in their native land, nevertheless the attendance was regarded as very good for this country. Soccer, as yet, has not taken the foothold enjoyed overseas, where it is regarded as the national sport. Through the efforts of the management of the Bethlehem F. C., local and Philadelphia fans were enabled to witness the game far cheaper than in any of the other four cities where the Scots appeared. The prices in Philadelphia and Bethlehem -- 50 cents for general admission and $1 for reservations -- were lower than those in New York, Jersey City, Lynn, Mass., and Fall River, where the scale was $1 for general admission, $1.50 and $2 for reservations. The receipts for the local game, it is understood, totaled in the neighborhood of $2,000 while those in Philadelphia were a trifle over $3,000. Deducting the 75 percent privilege, together with the expense of advertising, transportation and the hundred and one other incidentals that cropped up, the local management was fortunate if it broke even in the games played in Bethlehem and Philadelphia.