Bethlehem Globe
Tuesday, August 8, 1922
Gossip Indicates That City Will Have an Eleven Up to Standard

That a revival of soccer will be enjoyed and the game again conducted on an extensive basis this coming season, is intimated by the activities already prevalent.

Whether Bethlehem will have a team representative of the city and a team to campaign as meritoriously as in the years past, is still a matter of speculation but judging by the gossip heard here and there it is believed that such a movement is on foot. Persons who in the past fostered the sport are neither denying nor confirming such rumors but fans nevertheless are optimistic and are looking forward to the realization a big team together with a smaller circuit comprising local or nearby clubs.

While Easton and Allentown boomed with soccer last season it was the deep regret that the sport in Bethlehem fared so badly and the revival, if it occurs, it is hoped will bring it back into the same popularity with the fans as that of several years ago when the attendance to the games numbered thousands.

Locally it is felt that with the leaving of several of the star players, together with conditions generally, this season is the season to bring it back and it is believed that if the support of the club is assured, soccer enthusiasts will again have the privilege of seeing one of the biggest teams in the country sporting the blue of Bethlehem.

One indication that the sport has not entirely been abandoned is evidenced by the negotiations at present underway to bring the crack Newcastle Club, composed entirely of women who enjoy the distinction of champions of England. From this it is gleaned that while several players have left Bethlehem there are still enough of big league caliber available to keep a club intact.

Furthermore, it was sometime ago intimated that if a suitable adjustment could be reached relative in negotiations for a split of the gate receipts at games played away from home, that Bethlehem would again be represented by a team. This matter, it is believed, is pending before the officials of the American Soccer League and it is hoped that favorable action will be taken. Just what the attitude of the other clubs in the matter is, has not been authoritatively stated, but it is believed that the fear of losing Bethlehem, practically the best drawing card in the country, might influence the club representatives and league magnates, to look favorably to the change of legislation. In addition to participation in the American League, competition would likewise be again welcomed in the American and National Cup competitions, trophies of which the Bethlehem clan held more years than other clubs in the country.

In small time soccer various suggestions have been advanced, such as a Lehigh Valley League, Bethlehem & District League and an industrial league, either one of which it is believed would prove popular. The Lehigh Valley League, based on the success enjoyed in baseball, is the most favorable and before long it would be little surprise if the suggestion was made in the various tows represented in the baseball circuit. For a local aggregation such teams as the Wanderers, nativity, North Ends, main office of the Bethlehem Steel, Fountain Hill A. A. and Hellertown, it is believed would make an ideal circuit.

That the above mentioned clubs would form a nucleus of a good soccer league in Bethlehem District for the coming season, is firmly believed. Players not participating in football would most likely take a fancy to soccer and then at the close of the football season the teams could be strengthened by the devotees of the gridiron sport.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club