Good News for Soccer Fans
The announcement that Bethlehem will again revive soccer and place a club in the American League, American and National Cup competitions should be heralded with keen delight and is worthy of the cooperation of all sporting inclined. The promoters are going to give the home town enthusiasts the best available in soccer and the Bethlehem Steel Field will again be the scene of some spirited contests. As an appetizer the club management is going to bring a ladies championship team here for an exhibition game and in all likelihood the contest will be staged on the Bethlehem Steel Field. Taylor Stadium, the scene of the Third Lanark game, is again suggested as a more appropriate field. However, with the opening of the college term, football practice which will be in progress, the stadium should offer no better facilities than the Bethlehem Steel Field. Another angle favorable to the Bethlehem Steel Field is the possibility that many people who never before witnessed a contest will be among the patrons and the time to start getting them accustomed to journeying to North Bethlehem is with this luring attraction. Furthermore the Bethlehem Steel Field is the home lot of the club and it would be highly appropriate in opening the season where the wearers of the blue will campaign all year.