Bethlehem Globe
Saturday, August 12, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Todd Stars for Local Team
According to Levi Wilcox, soccer critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer and closely associated with the Bethlehems when sporting the colors of the Quaker City, several Todd stars are to be included in the fold of the Bethlehem F. C. for the next season. Commenting on the nucleus of the new team, Mr. Wilcox is of the opinion that the leaving of the five players to join the J & P Coats booters should not impair the strength of the local outfit, but if anything add strength to it. Commenting on the possibilities, the soccer scribe says the following:

"Smith and McGuire, right fullback and inside right of the defunct Todd soccer team of Brooklyn, N. Y., and recognized as the two greatest players in the country, will sport the Bethlehem's colors the coming season in the American League according to well founded reports. Besides these two great players, it is also reported that Jimmy Campbell, captain of the Todd's team of last season, and Jimmy Wilson, a center halfback who recently arrived from Scotland where he played opposite the great Andy Wilson, will also sport the up-Staters' colors.

"When the Philadelphia team, which next season will be known as Bethlehem, lost the services of Ferguson, Morley, Bethune, Nelson and Campbell through this quintet migrating to t he J & P Coats, many were of the opinion that Bethlehem, even should Lewis decide to put a team on the A. L. circuit, that it would be shorn quite a lot of its former strength owing to the loss of its former stars.

"It does not take much figuring, however, that with Smith cavorting around at right fullback that the loss of Bethune will not in the least affect the fullback position. Smith, as local fans recall, always played a star game against the Phillies when sporting the Todd's colors last season. Not only is he one of the few fullbacks who places his kicks, but he is also one of the best defensive players in the country.

"McGuire has long been recognized as a star in any position in the front line. He was also a thorn in the side the opposing halfbacks through his expert dribbling and ability opening out the game. Last season, besides having a big hand in the Todd's team, appearing in the final round of the National Cup competition, he was also one of the leading goal scorers in the American League, finishing fifth on the list, with ten goals to his credit.

"With Smith, McGuire, Campbell and Wilson to form the nucleus of a team for the coming season, Bethlehem, with what is left of the old Phillie machine which captured the championship of the American League the first season of the league's career, with proper management should not have the least trouble getting together a strong combination. Besides the aforementioned players other still left in the fold are: Kerr and Whitehead, the goalkeepers; Collier and J. Wilson, fullbacks; Murray and Lorimer, halfbacks; Campbell, Jaap, Brittan and Forrest, forwards.

Now Certain of Todd Stars
Now that the beans have been spilled relative to the personnel of the Bethlehem Club by the "well founded reports" it might not be amiss to announce that negotiations are pending for the acquisition of McGuire, the brilliant Todd forward, to the Bethlehem clan. However, his joining Bethlehem is not definite and will not be for another week or two, pending the return of Mrs. McGuire, who is to return from a trip to her native land in Europe. If satisfactory to McGuire's better half, the flashy forward will in all likelihood sport the Bethlehem colors. Knowing the activities of those associated with the project of reviving the sport in Bethlehem, it is safe to say that quite a few other celebrities of the booting game will throw the anchor in the Steel City. However, it has been the policy of the Bethlehem management to keep under cover their negotiations not with the intent of depriving the followers of this information, but rather to make no announcement until positive in their dealings. By thus doing there are lesser disappointments particularly so that now since the beans are spilled McGuire might change his mind and play elsewhere. That the signing of McGuire would be welcomed here is absolutely no doubt and any other club that might be angling for his services would accord the former Todd forward a similar greeting. As for Jimmy Campbell, it is doubtful whether or not this veteran will return to the Bethlehem clan. The same with some of the other veterans who, as intimated some time ago, it is believed have seen the best days of their service and it is planned in reorganization the Bethlehem Club to inject some new and young blood. As the time is rapidly rolling on to the time of the start, the personnel of the Bethlehem Club can be expected most any day. Not, however, before every player announced has attached his signature to a contract.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club