Steel Workers Left This Morning
Sixteen players in charge of manager William Sheridan will board the Vistris of the Munson Line tomorrow and set sail for Brazil where they will represent the Bethlehem Steel Co., in a series of International soccer contests. The tour marks the first to South America, the team last year having sought conquests in the Scandinavian countries which this year are invaded by the All St. Louis club. The sudden departure caused some hustling on the part of the management as well as the players but all were ready to board the eight o'clock train for New York this morning. The day will be spent in attending to many minor details which have cropped up prior to sailing.
Brazilians Eagerly Awaiting Americans
According to reports received from Brazil, soccer enthusiasts in that country are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Americans. The sport to Brazilians is what baseball is to Americans so that local fans can about imagine what a furor the impending international games has created among the sporting public. Their visit, in comparison, is looked up to as similar to what it would be in this country if England sent a baseball team over here to compete with the World's champions. Then again the Bethlehem Steel Corp. have vast interests in South America so that the team will not be entirely unknown or without a fair quota of rooters.
Will Have Plenty Time to Practice
Many local fans are entertaining the fear that the Americans will be deprived of sufficient practice to have them in playing condition. In this contention they are probably wrong for the early sailing should prove a decided advantage to Sheridan's protégés. Had the departure been delayed until next Saturday the date of the first scheduled game would have given the players approximately one week in which to compete their training. As it now stands the players will arrive on foreign soil one week earlier which naturally will extend their time of training. At the same time it will enable the players to become acclimated. Probably all the players who were selected to make the trip anticipated weeks ago that they would be among the fortunate ones and on the quiet began conditioning themselves. The result is that practically every one on the tour is in prime physical condition and upon their arrival need only polish off the rough spots.
Several Players Disappointed
It is only natural that with a big squad of players to select from those unfortunate in being among the choice would be disappointed. The few games, probably six, made it necessary to keep the squad down to sixteen players. Therefore, making the selection was not the easiest or most pleasant job and those to whose lot it fell to chose are apparently fully aware of this. Everyone of the players signed with the club and those who are here for trial expected to be among the fortunate group and several were keenly disappointed when their names were omitted. It is said that because they were left at home, two players quit the team yesterday to leave for other parts. These players are Jack Corrigan and Bob Bethune, the latter from Scotland who came to Bethlehem several months ago. Corrigan joined the team last year, also coming from Scotland and played his first game with Bethlehem against the Robins Dry Docks in the Semi-Final of the National Cup Competition which was lost. In that game Corrigan played center forward. Bethune is a fullback and is said to be a player of first class ability. Their future destination is not known.
Jimmy Easton Again with The Tourists
Jimmy Easton, the veteran Bethlehem player, who in the past proved to be one of the most all-around utility men on the squad, was among the players that boarded the train this morning. Jimmy was in doubt as to going until last night, announcement having been made that a selection would be made between him and Frank Boyle, the latter a goaltender from Pittsburgh. The management emerged out of a rather tight hole when, it is understood, a wire was received from Boyle announcing that he was indisposed and under doctor's orders would not be able to leave for another week. This, of course, let him out.