Bethlehem Globe
Tuesday, August 15, 1922
Gossip, With Earmarks of Truth, Indicate Great Array of Talent to Come Here

by Fred S. Nonnemacher
Bethlehem F. C. will have a for[...] for the soccer team second to none and without a doubt the greatest combination of forwards ever represented in one squad since the inception of the sport in this country, if the gossip heard among the players and followers of the sport materializes. And there is every reason to believe that it will materialize.

In referring tot he forward line as being the strongest, fastest and cleverest ever included in one club, followers of the sport can draw their own conclusions and will probably heartily confirm this assumption. Foremost of the aggregation will be Harold Brittan, center forward, who during his short career in this country forged to the front as the peer of all center forwards. Despite his forced absence in a good many of the games in the American League last season, brought about by an injury to his leg, he completed the schedule as the highest point scorer in the circuit.

Another luminary in the booting game is Maguire, one of the forwards of the Todd club last season. To Maguire is attributed much of the success of the Todd team, particularly so, inasmuch as the cup games were concerned. Maguire has not yet signed, but it is expected that his contract will be received within the next week or two. As an inside right Maguire is conceded the peer of this position and should very capably fill the vacancy caused by the leaving of Whitey Fleming.

Others who have been mentioned to comprise the candidates for the forward position are Jaap, a short, stock youngster hailing from the Pittsburgh district and conceded one of the finds in soccerdom. Billy Forrest, together with several other competent players are mentioned as being among the talent to try out for these positions.

Just what players are in mind for the balance of the team has not even been hinted at, but it is gleaned from the optimistic attitude of those promoting the revival of a big league team in Bethlehem that the club will not want for talent on the defensive. The hardest blow in this division was the leaving of Jock Ferguson, who was one of the quintet to sign with the J & P Coats team at Pawtucket, R. I.

Rumor has been persistent that Jimmy Campbell, veteran of the Bethlehem Steel clan, and captain last season of Todd's would return and play at his regular position at center halfback. This was intimated not only at home but by various soccer followers in other cities. For the enlightenment of those who are under this impression it is understood that Campbell is located for next season and will be included in the lineup of the Harrison team. Fred Pepper, another Bethlehem veteran, was mentioned as trying for the local club. Pepper, it is believed, will likewise play at Harrison.

From what can be learned there will be very few of the old faces included in the Bethlehem lineup. The majority of the players will be youngsters who have just arrived in the sport to fill the vacancies of the veterans.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club