The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, August 16, 1920
Trip to Brazil Off Because of Cablegram from President of Brazil
Games There to be of National Character and Limited to Natives

Living in hope that further negotiations with the authorities in Brazil materialize favorably, the sixteen players selected by Manager Sheridan to represent the Bethlehem Steel Co. in a series of soccer games in South America, returned home from New York. According to one of the players the announcement canceling the trip came like a bolt out of the clear sky and keen disappointment was felt by all the men. The word from the local plant reached the players shortly before they were about to board the steamship Viatria to carry them to their destination.

At the local plant of the Bethlehem Steel Co. it was learned that no further details other than the cable announcing the canceling of the games was received. W. L. Lewis, directly in charge of soccer activities at the plant, this morning had this to say:

"We were invited to play the series of games by the Brazilian government, but last Friday received a cablegram announcing that they decided to withdraw the invitation. We were given to understand that the reason for this action was in order to limit the competition to native clubs only. There is a possibility that they may change their decision and renew the invitation."

From the above it is gleaned that the trip is not definitely called off and that in the even of the renewing the invitation the team will sail later. Should word be received to this effect, the boat on which the club would then probably sail is the Martha Washington, which sails from New York on August 31, one week later than the original date planned to start. It would also mean that the games scheduled in Brazil would have to be set back one week. Otherwise, it would interfere little with the plans or the date of return.

From what could be learned the dates on which the American contingent were to meet the South Americans was during a National celebration and it is believed that for that reason the authorities have deemed it advisable to confine the competition exclusively to native clubs. The players have not given up hope and will no doubt remain in readiness to leave at a minute's notice.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club