The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, August 25, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Steel Workers' Slate Still Untarnished
With soccer in America still in the off season, the exploits of the United States champions on foreign soil are commanding the attention of the prophets throughout the country. Three weeks have been spent in Sweden, competing against the best teams the foreigners could whip together, and still the Steel Workers have to taste the first sting of defeat. The team is traveling along at a pace that is creating quite a sensation in American soccer circles and one never before equaled. If the playing during the first part of the schedule is a criterion of what is to follow, the champions will return with international honors.

Are Awaiting Homecoming of Champions
When the soccer players representing the Bethlehem Soccer team left for abroad, it was understood that several of the squad had not signed for the coming season. This news apparently has leaked out to officials of the other clubs and from articles appearing at various times, it is gleaned that rival magnates are anxiously awaiting the return of the team in hopes of signing some of the stars. It is hardly possible that manager Sheridan will leave opportunity slip by and have them attach their signatures to an agreement for another year before returning. It is said that more than one magnate has his optics glued on Heminsley, the former Merchants' player, who accompanied the tourists on the trip. This player left with the squad as a free lance and while the Merchant management is confident that he will be in the Harriman lineup when the whistle toots for the kickoff this Fall, it would be no surprise if his agreement with the champions is already on its way to this country.

Pin Great Faith in Kirkpatrick
The management of the Harriman eleven is not a bit backward in boasting that the Shipbuilders will be the team to rob the Bethlehem squad of the honors next season. To accomplish this, it is understood, the team will comprise a sprinkling of youngsters with the veterans. Quite a number of new players will be included among its roster, but one player who is certain of a berth is Willie Kirkpatrick, the former Bethlehem star, on whom the management pins great faith to build up a winning aggregation.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club