The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 3, 1920
First Game of Season Will be League Contest With Tacony, at Philadelphia
The Bethlehem Steel soccer team started training last night in preparation for the opening game of the season which will be a National League contest with Disston, on the latter's grounds at Tacony, Philadelphia. The following players reported for the first practice: Duncan and Easton, goalkeepers; Fletcher, Collier, Wilson and Ferguson, fullbacks; Murray, Campbell, W. Morrison and R. Morrison, half backs; James Murphy, J. Wilson, Satterwaite, Powell, Brittan, Forrest, J. Morrison, Pepper and Fleming, forwards.

The teams to be entered in the National League are as follows: Babcock & Wilcox, Bayonne, N. J., Paterson F. C., Paterson, N. J.; Erie A. A., Kearney, N. J.; Federal Ship F. C., Newark, N. J.; New York F. C., New York; Robins Dry Dock, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Disston A. A., Tacony, Philadelphia; Bethlehem Steel, Bethlehem, Pa.

The Steel Workers are also entered in the National Cup and the American Cup and will make a great effort to again bring back the two famous trophies to Bethlehem.

At a recent meeting of the National League delegates several important changes were decided upon and any team that forfeits a game this season will be severely dealt with. The Bethlehem team was the victim last year of many forfeited games in the National League and the complaint registered by the local officials was greatly responsible for the drastic action that is threatened for such conduct during the coming season.

It was also decided at the meeting of the league to have a standard price of admission for all games which in the future will be fifty cents. The action was made necessary by the increased traveling expenses.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club