The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, September 8, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Manager Sheridan is driving his soccer protégés hard in preparing for the opening game of the season which is less than two weeks off. "Billy" is planning to get away to a whirlwind start and beginning a winning pace that will carry the Steel Workers through the season for the championship honors. The addition of the several new men that will sport the Bethlehem shirts this season is predicted will materially strengthen the squad and that the eleven that the Steel Works trot out this season will bet he strongest that ever sported the local colors. The inclusion of the new men working in harmony with the seasoned and tried veterans that have been retained should prove a strong asset to the squad Bethlehem will start the race in the National League contest, being scheduled to journey to Philadelphia on Sunday, September 18, for a clash with Disston on Tacony field.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club