Harold Brittan, leading goal scorer in the American Soccer League last season and regarded as the peer of center forwards in the country, has decided to shed the colors of the Bethlehem F. C. to sport those of Fall River in the coming season.
This announcement comes as a complete surprise to a host of soccer fans. The Globe, however, some time ago hinted that Brittan was looking else where for a job and for that reason delayed in attaching his signature to a Bethlehem contract.
Several weeks ago Willie Duncan, a former Bethlehem goal keeper, now located at Fall River, visited here and it is believed influenced Brittan to change his location.
With Brittan gone, the team Bethlehem will place on the field t he coming season will be with very few exceptions an entirely new outfit. The officials are not saying much at this time but it is intimated that while of course the regret the loss of Brittan, they have rounded up players that promise to capably fill the many vacancies caused by players leaving for elsewhere.
Only one players of the old Bethlehem championship team is still with the club. That player is Billy Forrest. The only player of last year's Philadelphia clan are Kerr and Highfield, a pair of goal keepers, and Campbell an outside right.
The first game will be played on October 7 and it is understood that the contest will take place in Philadelphia in order not to conflict with the Lehigh football schedule, it is believed that only two home games are scheduled for October and one for November.