At the special meeting of the national challenge cup committee of the United States Football Association held in New York on Saturday night, the principal business was the draw for the first round of the national challenge cup competition, Colonel G. Randolph Manning presiding.
The total number of 85 entries was received, which compared with 100 last year, and, considering so many new clubs have entered, was a distinct disappointment. New England was strongly represented, no fewer than 25 entries being received. The committee decided upon the following dates for playing the [...]. First round, Oct. 17; second, Nov. 7; third, Nov. 28; and fourth, Dec. 19. The pairings resulted as follows to be played on the ground of the first named club:
Eastern Pennsylvania District -- J and J Dobson vs. Woldenden-Shore; North End F. C. vs. Disston; Hibernians vs. Bethlehem.
Western Division, Northwestern New York District -- All drew byes, namely, Oneida Community, McNaughton Rangers, Rochester Celtics, Rochester City Moose, Camera Works and Kodak Park.
Western Pennsylvania District -- Goodrich vs. Firestone Tire; byes, Cleveland Greyhounds, White Motor and Goodyear F. C.
Eastern Division, Northern Massachusetts District -- Fore River vs. General Electric, Boston City vs. Arlington Mills, Abbot Worsted vs. Chicopee Rovers, Hendee vs. Smith and Dov, Lynn Gas and Electric vs. Trimo, Farr Alpaca vs. United Shoe; byes, Maple Leaf and Gray and Davis.
Southern New England District -- St. Michael's vs. Sayles Tin Plant, J & P Coats vs. Fall River Rovers, Aushton-Berkley vs. Clan Cameron; byes, Young-Thornton, Colonial Greystone, Fairlawn Rovers and Potter and Johnson.
Connecticut district -- S. K. F. A. C. vs. New Departure; byes, Stamford, Columbia, Graphophone and Ansonia.
Southern New York District -- New York vs. Tebo Yacht Basin; byes, Clan MacDuffs, Robins Dry Dock and Brooklyn.
New Jersey District -- Erie Juniors vs. Erie A. A., Federal Ship vs. Athenia Steel, Babcock vs. Sprague, Bunker Hill vs. Paterson; bye, Cedar Cliff.
Michigan District -- Solvay vs. Pontiac City; byes, I. F. L. F. C., One and All, Walkersville, Magyar A. A>, Roses F. C., Caledonia and Ulster S. F. C.
Wisconsin District -- Simco S. C. drew a bye.
Illinois District -- All drew byes, namely, Chicago Thistles, Rangers, Bricklayers, Swedish-Americans, Pullmans, Harvey S. F. C and Norwegian-Americans.
Missouri District -- All drew byes, Ben Millers (cup holders), Innisfalls, Scullin Screw and St. Louis Screw Company.
Disston A. A. beat out Erie A. A. 3 to 2 in a National League game on Clarke's field, Newark, N. J., yesterday afternoon. It was the first reverse in a long period for Erie there and came about after a rousing battle in which the Sawmakers proved their mettle by coming through in the last five minutes after Erie tied the score.
Donald Macmillan, who is one of the veterans in soccer football in this country, was elected president of the American Football Association at the annual meeting held last week. Other officers elected were: Vice president, William Patrick, who is secretary of the National League; recording secretary, James Gallitly; secretary-treasurer, Andrew Beveridge, 257 Pearsall Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.; delegate to the United States Football Association, William Patrick, and alternate, Andrew M. Brown. Duncan Carswell, who has been president of the American Football Association for the last four years, refused to allow his name to be nominated for re-election.
It was announced at this meeting that the following are among the clubs who joined the American Cup competition, which is played on the loss and out plan: Hibernians, Disston, J and J Dobsons of Philadelphia and Bethlehem, which is also one of the associate members of the Eastern Pennsylvania and District, Robins Dry Dock of Brooklyn, N. Y., won the cup last year, defeating Bethlehem, holders of the trophy for three consecutive years, in the final round.
According to Secretary Beveridge, it is planned the coming season to arrange a tour through Canada for the winners of the cup this year, which will take place during May, the tour to be under the auspices of the American Football Association. This will be an innovation and should prove an inducement, especially for other teams to enter the competition. It will be the first time that the Hibernians have played in the tourney for many years, as the club has been inactive for some time.