The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 29, 1922
Unofficially Names of Players Who are to Come Here, Shows General Material

While the long-waited-for announcement relative to soccer activities in Bethlehem will not be officially forthcoming for a day or two, it is learned from authoritative sources that the team to represent Bethlehem F. C. in the American League and National and American Cup competitions will comprise the greatest galaxy of soccer exponents ever gathered together on one team and visions of again conquering the honors experienced with the old Bethlehem F. C. machine again loom up bright.

The severing of relations of the old-time stars left the Bethlehem machine a wreck with Bill Forrest being really the only surviving element around which to build up a new team. However, the wholesale exit of the [...] talent did not discourage the officials of the club in the least who for the past several weeks have been busy, quietly building up another machine which it is believed will not only equal the merit of those who [...] the Bethlehem colors, but [...] really surpass a good many of them in the scientific display of the game.

From the source from which the rumors emanated it is said that the official announcement of the club will probably be made within the next day or two and it is certain that this announcement is anxiously awaited.

A newcomer to the Bethlehem ranks and who will resume the responsibilities at center forward is said to be Bob McNizen, probably a stranger to the casual observer, but a well-known celebrity in the soccer world. McNizen is a youngster directly out of the big league soccer and although it is realized that it is going to be a tough job to equal the merit of Brittan, the officials feel certain that he is capable.

Another celebrity who has his "John Henry" attached to a Bethlehem contract is Malcolm Goldie, an outside left, who will try and fill the shoes vacated by Whitey Fleming. Goldie is quite a few years the junior of his predecessor in the wing position and is said to be every bit as fast, strong and even more daring in playing the position. Goldie, likewise, hails out of big league soccer.

With the exception of two players, Fry at goal, and Billy Forrest, a fullback, the balance of the lineup according to the gossip heard, will be composed of entirely new men. That is new in sporting the colors of the Bethlehem club, but by no means newcomers to the game. All of which assures keener rivalry and greater interest when Bethlehem locks horns with the clubs w2hich have bolstered their forces by signing the flock of former Bethlehem players.

Out on the Bethlehem Steel Field the new charges have been actively engaged in rounding into condition which is evident by the fact that tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock fans will be given their first opportunity to see the new men in action. A practice game is arranged in which the regulars will oppose some of the old-timers still in Bethlehem who will be strengthened with the reserve material of the regulars. Two thirty-minute halves will be played.

The players who will probably appear with the regulars and the positions they will play are: Kerr, goal; Young, right fullback; Forrest, left fullback; Rattery, right halfback; Raeside, center halfback; McFarlane, left halfback; Campbell, outside right; Faulds, inside right; McNizon, center forward; Terris, inside left; Goldie, outside left.

The scrubs will include in their lineup such favorites as Jimmy Watson, Sam Fletcher, Fred Pepper, Bobby Morrison, Billy Morrison, Jim Wilson, Jack Lance, with the Robin Dry Dock last season, and a few others who still find it a recreation to keep in condition and participate actively in the sport.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club