A contest with international flavor will be presented on the Lehigh University athletic field on Thursday when the Brown and White soccer aspirants entertain the University of Toronto. This will be one of the few games played by the Canadian collegians during their brief invasion into the States and likewise the first soccer game of international significance ever played by a Lehigh soccer team.
The invaders played their first game in New York on Saturday afternoon and are scheduled to meet Princeton oat the latter place this afternoon. The Canadians will arrive in Bethlehem on Thursday morning and then leave for Philadelphia where they are scheduled for Saturday. It is understood that the team is represented by veteran material.
Soccer fans who gathered on the Bethlehem Steel field early Saturday afternoon had their first glimpse at the team that will sport the colors of the Bethlehem F. C. in the American League and National and American cup competitions this season.
Every player included in the lineup with the exception of one was a newcomer to the squad, and judging by their display, capably fill the vacancies caused by the wholesale leaving of the old guards. Billy Forrest was the only original member of the championship Bethlehem machine in the lineup. While there were plenty of new faces, the new men are not all strangers for their achievements in soccerdom precedes them to Bethlehem.
Saturday was the first time that the club was intact and although they had never played together as a team before, the officials decided on staging a practice game. All of the old regulars were rounded up and these players together with promising younger talent hereabouts opposed the regulars.
The teams battled through two 30-minute halves without either side scoring. The old-timers retained much of their skill and frequently checked the advance of the regular forwards. Long sessions of practice are expected this week in priming the club for the first game against the Philadelphia F. C. at the latter place next Saturday afternoon. The lineup:
Regulars -- Reserves
Kerr -- G -- Highfield
Mount -- RFB -- Fletcher
Forrest -- LFB -- Wilson
Rattray -- RHB -- Eichelberger
Raeside -- CHB -- Morrison
Terris -- LHB -- Bowman
Bishop -- OR -- Gozzard
McFarlane -- IR -- Pepper
McNiven -- CF -- Lance
Foulds -- IL -- Campbell
Goldie -- OL -- Easton
Referee: Steward. Linesmen: Nagle and Nicholson. Time of halves -- 30 minutes.