The Globe – Bethlehem
Saturday, October 7, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

”Boot the Ball” In Philadelphia Today
The Bethlehem F. C. newly organized and comprising a delegation of highly touted soccer celebrities figure this afternoon as one of the principals with Philadelphia F. C. in the curtain raiser of the American League for the season 1922-23. The game will mark the opening of a circuit more compact and much stronger in playing strength than the season which closed with success during its initial campaigning last year. Last year the Bethlehem F. C. sported the colors of the Quaker City organization and of course when it was decided to return to their home loam, Philadelphia was left in a lurch and entirely dependent upon its town resources to rig up a club. The new Philadelphia team is composed entirely of native born or recognized Philadelphia district players who when they trot out on the field will be in strange contrast to the Bethlehem aggregation which with barely an exception will be an outfit most exclusively of European talent.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club