The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, October 21, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Noted Players Join Bethlehem Club
The absence of several of the Bethlehem soccer players who are either still in England or on the water en route home is severely handicapping the American champions in staring their league and cup campaigns but once they arrive home and join hands with several noted players who have recently been signed, the club will again present the same strength as that of last season if not greater. This is the outlook despite the fact that several of last year's star players deserted the ranks. From an official of the Bethlehem club it was learned this morning that among the new men signed are Harris, of Hamilton, Canada; Blakey, of Philadelphia, and Archie Stark of Paterson, N. J. It is also understood that the club is negotiating for one or two more players with the prospects of receiving their names to a Bethlehem form. These players, it is hinted, are "Rabbit" Heminsley, formerly of Merchant Ship, who played a star game while with the Bethlehem players on their Scandinavian tour, and Morrison, a halfback from Chicago. The new men have presumably been signed to fill the vacancies caused by the leaving of Bob Millar and Harry Ratican, who with Neil Clark are sporting the colors of the Robins Dry Dock team of Brooklyn this season. Bethlehem is again anxious to annex the American and National league honors and with the addition of the above players will be in a strong position to accomplish this feat.

Absent Players Urgently Needed
Until at least some of the players still absent return home Bethlehem will be hardly able to recruit a team sufficiently representative to compete in league or cup fixtures. A cablegram from Manager Sheridan announced that Fletcher and Pepper were to have set sail on October 17 and if so are due to arrive in this country either on Saturday or Sunday. Campbell and Forrest, it is believed are to follow later and arrive here with Sheridan while the plans of Ferguson are not known. Upon the arrival of the first two named in addition with the new members, Bethlehem can muster together a team to start its local season.

Suspension Also Handicaps Club
The plight of the Bethlehem club reveals that Wilson, one of the players who accompanied on the Scandinavian trip, drew a suspension while in the foreign country. The suspension was imposed by Thomas Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association who managed the players on the trip and came for an infraction of the rules. It will be remembered Wilson remained with the tourists for only seven games and then in company with Jimmy Easton visited in Scotland and England, arriving home several weeks ago. Bethlehem was in hopes that Wilson would be reinstated before the end of the week and that the club could get started but it is understood that the suspension will not be lifted until the following week. The management of the club is anxious to get the team in action and may arrange for an exhibition game on Saturday. This is possible by placing some of the reserve players in the lineup. A game would no doubt be welcomed by local fans since with Lehigh booked to play at Pittsburgh there is no major attraction for this city on Saturday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club