The draw for the second round of the national soccer challenge cup was made at a special meeting of the national challenge cup committee of the U. S. Football Association at the Hotel Astor in New York.
The New York club protested its game of last Saturday, when it lost to the Tebo Yacht Basin by 1 to 0 on the grounds of the ineligibility of William Fryer, a crack center halfback, but owing to lack of evidence, the committee threw out the protest.
The completed pairing for the second round ties, which must be played off on or before Nov. 7, follows:
New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania District -- Disston vs. J & J Dobson, Paterson vs. Sprague, Erie A. A. vs. Bethlehem, Cedar Cliff vs. Federal Ship.
Western Division, Northwestern New York District -- Rochester City Moose vs. Rochester Celts, McNaughton Rangers vs. Camera Works, Oneida Community vs. Kodak Park.
Western Pennsylvania District -- Madison S. C. vs. Dunlevy S. C.
Eastern Division, Northern Massachusetts District -- Maple Leaf F. C. vs. Gray & Davis, Far Alpaca vs. Boston City, Abbot Worsted vs. General Electric or Fore River, Lynn Gas F. C. vs. Hendee.
Southern New England District -- Graystone F. C. vs. J & P Coats or Fall River Rovers, Fairlawn Rovers vs. Ashton & Berkley, Potter & Johnson vs. Colonial; Young Thornton vs. St. Michael's or Sayle's Fin Plant.
Connecticut District -- Ansonia vs. Stamford F. C., S. K. E. C. vs. Col. Graphophone.
Southern New York District -- Robins Dry Dock vs. Clan MacDuffs, Tebo yacht vs. Brooklyn.
Ohio District -- Goodrich F. C. vs. White Motor, Cleveland Greyhounds vs. Goodyear F. C.
Michigan District -- I. F. L. F. C. vs. Roses F. C., Magyar F. C. vs. Ulster F. C., Solway or Pontiac vs. One and All F. C., Walkerville F. C> vs. Caldonia.
Wisconsin and Illinois District -- Simco F. C. vs. Pullman F. C>, Rangers vs. Chicago Thistle, Swede-Americans vs. Harvey F. C., Norwegian-Americans vs. Bricklayers.
Missouri District -- Ben Millers vs. Innisfalls, St. Louis Screw F. C. vs. Scullin Screw.