The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, October 23, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Wilson May Play with Steel Workers
When Bethlehem Steel takes the field against the University of Pennsylvania eleven in the first game of the season, jimmy Wilson, suspended on the Sweden tour by Thomas Cahill, may be among the aggregation. It was learned from local soccer officials this morning that hopes were entertained that the suspension for the slight infringement of rules while abroad might be lifted in time to allow Wilson to take part in the game. Fletcher and Pepper are speeding homeward and it is also likely that they will be ready to assume their usual position when the referee sounds the opening whistle. Latest advices from these two players announces that they are on the sea and expect to arrive in Montreal either tomorrow morning or Saturday. If they arrive early tomorrow it is possible for them t o be back in Bethlehem in time for the game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club