Sit Up And Take Notice
When Bethlehem Steel journeyed to Paterson on Sunday afternoon to meet the strong club representing that town, there were few critics who were willing to concede the Bethlehem eleven a chance basing their contention on the showing made against the Phillies two weeks previous when the newly organized Quaker City club finished on the long end. These critics, however, were apparently unaware of the fact that the Bethlehem team was not only playing its first game but in a true sense the first time the clan had been together. The defeat in no manner discouraged the local promoters who were satisfied with the display of individual merit of the new stars and confident that once they got working together the squad would be a replica of the teams of the championship days. Now it seems that this confidence was not misplaced for the Paterson Club is considered one of the strongest in the east and a victory over that clan was no mean feat. It does look as though Bethlehem’s new lineup is rounding into championship form. Down in Philadelphia where Bethlehem played all of its home games last season, they are not taking very kindly to the tactics of other clubs in luring practically all of the celebrities away from the Steel City and while represented this year by a club of their own are nevertheless backing the Bethlehem aggregation. This is gleaned by the comments penned by Levi Wilcox, a Quaker City critic and scribe, who speaks of the Bethlehem team and the possibilities as follows:
“This Bethlehem team is only a shell of its former self, however, inasmuch as last year’s players are concerned. Through the uncouth methods of other clubs in the American League in grabbing the players at the close of last season it made it imperative for Bethlehem to get their scouts out digging up new players for practically every position in the field.
“In fact, only Kerr and Forrest were all that remained of the champion Phillie team which came here from Bethlehem last year every Saturday to play their home schedule. Neither the aforementioned players was considered a star. With the exception of Kerr, the Steel Workers tackled Paterson Sunday with a team which prior to the match several of the players had to be introduced to the rest of the team.
“Local followers of the grand old dribbling game naturally are pulling for the Phillies, with its team of local players. They are also anxious and willing to boost Bethlehem’s stock if the Phillies are not strong enough to come through with the gonfalon. Bethlehem is so close to this city from a soccer viewpoint that he up-staters’ showing is generally witnessed with more than passing interest. That is the reason why everyone feels elated that Bethlehem have signed such a strong list of players.”