Critics Sweet on Bethlehem Players
Soccer critics throughout the country are favoring the Bethlehem Steel Workers to win the championship honors this season. Many prophets contend that with the new men injected into the Bethlehem lineup, the team is stronger than ever before in its history. One Philadelphia critic in commenting on individuals has this to say:
"Years of service don't seem to show Campbell, Bethlehem's center halfback, in the least. In fact, he seems to be playing as brilliantly as ever, which is saying a mouthful when we realize the great game he played for Disston when he arrived in this country some years ago.
"Although "Tommy" Fleming, Bethlehem's outside left, is probably the oldest player in years of service in National League ranks, he is not losing any of his speed or aggressiveness. He is easily the best left winger in the country. And the Bethlehem management also is of the opinion.
"Bethune, the new right back, tried out by Bethlehem, last week, is one of the biggest finds of this young season. Not only can he put lots of boot behind the ball, but he is also a brilliant tackler.