by Fred S. Nonnemacher
Bethlehem F. C. had a tartar this afternoon in Fleisher Yarn, of Philadelphia, in the first round of the National Cup game, both traveling the first half in a scoreless tie.
The visitors started strong at the break away, Galloway taking the ball down the field, but his shot went wide. An instant later Straden had a chance the ball glancing off Kerr’s finger. Bethlehem then took possession and for a time play was centered around the visitors’ goal. However, the Fleisher back men were masters of the occasion and the attempts resulted in hurried shots that went wild.
Bethlehem’s backfield line worked very effectively, not so the forward line, whose work was ragged and several opportunities which presented themselves to tall went bad. Fleisher seldom threatened, but what they lacked in effectiveness the forward line more than equalized with an excellent defense. Bethlehem had no less than half a dozen corner kicks, but could convert none into counters. The play was fast, the ball the latter part of the first half shifting frequently from one end of the field to the other. Bethlehem suffered two penalties, neither of which proved disastrous. Billy Forrest with McNiven had several good opportunities to score, but the parting shots were decidedly poor.
McNiven, Bethlehem’s crack center forward, was having a bad time trying to locate the net. Early in the restart he had a good opportunity, but the shot missed. An instant later he beat Kucklick with a low drive which passed by the net.
Billy Forrest, one of Bethlehem’s mainstays, erratic in shooting in the early part of the game, put the Steel Workers out in front with a pretty shot. Forrest was quite some distance out, with his back partly turned to the goal. The ball was centered and in a flash he turned around and drove it into the net. His intention was unsuspected, for the defending goalkeeper made no effort to save, being caught napping.
In the closing minutes of play Bethlehem had several chances, but shot wide and the game ended 1 to 0.
Bethlehem – Fleisher
Kerr – G – Kucklick
Young – RFB – Coleman
Ferguson – LFB – Walker
McFarlane – RHB – Fleming
Raeside – CHB – White
Terris – LHB – Rogers
Currie – OR – Morley
Rattray – IR – Purvis
McNiven – CF – Stradan
Forrest – IL – McLaughlin
Goldie – OL – Galloway
Two 45 minute halves.