The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 9, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Season Destined For Success
Within the next two or three weeks the soccer season will come into its own and that locally it will be a success is indicated by the present aspect. Despite the fact that football is the crowning sport at the present time, the kicking game has a large following and when interest becomes centered more exclusively on soccer, the ranks will be greatly increased in number. The advent of the many minor clubs that have sprung up this year, together with the fact that the make-up of most of these clubs comprise local players, is going to go a far way in stimulating interest. It also means that the stellar aggregation of the Bethlehem Steel Company is going to benefit. These minor aggregations will teach their followers the rudiments and points of interest to the sport which when thoroughly digested will inject a good bit more interest.

Should Not Be Down-Hearted
The Bethlehem Steel eleven is still mourning the loss of the game against Erie A. A. on Sunday, the defeat eliminating them from the most coveted honor yearned for by soccer aggregations throughout the country. Victory in the National Cup competition proclaims the winning team as champion of the United States, an honor enjoyed by the Bethlehem clan for several seasons in years past. While the National Cup honors are no long within their grasp, there are other honors to be garnered and local followers look to the Steel Workers to brace up and come through victorious in the American Cup competition and the National league race. There is no denying that Bethlehem was set on retrieving the lost National honors and counted this year on being one of their best opportunities to accomplish the feat. In fact, Bethlehem enthusiasts were not alone in this belief, but soccer prophets throughout the country predicted a winning campaign for the Steel Workers in view of the many brilliant new players that were signed to strengthen their forces.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club