The Globe – Bethlehem
Friday, November 10, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Fleisher Yarn Getting Chesty
When the Bethlehem F. C. journeys to Philadelphia tomorrow afternoon to meet Fleisher Yarn in the second round American Cup competition, the Steel Workers will meet a slight change in the original program. All of which is occasioned by the brilliant showing made by the Yarn Makers here last Saturday when they held Bethlehem to a one goal victory in the second round National Cup competition. Although not in the league, Fleisher Yarn defeated the Philadelphia F. C. and New York F. C. but climaxed their campaigning with the excellent showing made against the Steel Workers and since then have become quite cocky. Early in the week tentative arrangements were made to stage a double header at the Phillies Ball Park with the Fleisher Yarn-Bethlehem game playing second fiddle to the Phillies vs. New York. The victory of the Fleisher crowd over New York has served to renew confidence that they will outclass Bethlehem and thereby have the honor of appearing in the third round cup tourney. Down in Philadelphia it is conceded that Bethlehem’s one goal, scored by Billy Forrest, was a fluke and the Yarners’ followers are confident that with having the choice of grounds on this occasion that Fleisher will be just about strong enough to eliminate its more experience opponent. For this reason, and likewise playing second fiddle to the other game, the cup competition will be played as per schedule on the Fleisher grounds at Tenth and Butler Streets, with the kickoff time for 2:30 o’clock.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club