Claim Score Was Tied in Classic Contest
While Bethlehem soccer players are not making any alibis relative to their defeat at the hands of the Erie F. C. in the National Cup classic last Sunday, there are some who maintain that the score was really tied, but that a close decision on the ball at the mouth of the net was denied them by the referee. From what we learn, the ball had been forced over the line toward the close of the game, but in the scrimmage was again booted out of the net and as a result, Bethlehem lost the credit of the additional tally which would have tied the score at four goals each. The players were a bit down-hearted but have again returned to their practice with the old-time snap and even though deprived of the chance to compete further in the National Cup, are going to make a strong bid to capture the honors in the National League race and the American Cup competition.