The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, November 19, 1920
Steel Workers are Ready to Tackle Paterson in National League Contest

The Steel Workers are ready for the National League game at Bethlehem Steel Field tomorrow with Paterson F. C. and a good game should be witnessed. Paterson will try hard to stop the locals, but they will find the task a hard one, as every man on the Bethlehem list is ready for the battle, and the final whistle should find two more points added to the present total of the Steel Workers. The game will start at 3 p.m. and J. H. Carpenter will referee. Both teams will probably lineup as follows: Bethlehem Steel -- Duncan, Collier and Ferguson, Bethune, Campbell and Morrison, Wilson, Easton, Brittan, Forrest and Fleming. Paterson F. C. -- Garside, Broadbent and Murray, Vandeweghe, Vandeneyden and Holt, Dougan, Burns, Petrie, McLaughlin and Galloway.

Easton at inside right should add to the aggressiveness of the Bethlehem attack. He has weight in his favor and should be a continual source of worry to the Paterson defense.

If Bethune is in the Bethlehem lineup it will be his first appearance on Bethlehem field, and the fans will see a clever player who has youth on his side.

The inside positions on the Bethlehem forward line will be changed until a combination is found that will cooperate effectively with the center forward. Brittan at center forward has shown clever football but has been handicapped by the poor form of his outside line.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club