In order to secure the visit of these clubs to Bethlehem, the Bethlehem Club must guarantee the payment of all traveling expenses. The Bethlehem Club has a number of local supporters, who have expressed to the Soccer Management, their desire to lend their assistance by purchasing Season Tickets, which are being offered at the rate of Five Dollars and Fifty centers, tax included, for twelve games.
It is well known in all of the visiting cities that the Bethlehem Club is always the premier drawing card, and it is usually the experience of the Bethlehem Club to find in foreign fields as many supporters as are found "rooting" for the home club.
No city in the Untied States has been advertised as has been this city. The products of our manufacturers have gone to all parts of the world. Not the least of the agencies which have advertised Bethlehem so well has been the Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club, which by its many victories has brought fame, not only to itself, but tot he city which the Club claims as its home. The people of Bethlehem have always been ardent supporters of good clean athletics and it is the feeling of the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce that a manly sport of this character is worthy of the support of the entire community.
St. Louis, Nov. 20 -- Peter J. Ratican, aged 34, nationally-known soccer player and manager of the Ben Miller team of this city, former national soccer champions, died to day following an operation on the brain. His widow and two children survive.
The above is a news dispatch received Tuesday morning. Peter J. Ratican is an older brother of Harry Ratican, the latter for years regarded as the peer of center forwards in the country and a good many years one of the mainstays of the championship Bethlehem team. Ratican, together with his brother, were conceded the two greatest players developed in this country. After leaving her the younger brother played several seasons with the Robins Dry docks, and when the latter disbanded, at the close of last year, affiliated with one of the New England States teams and is also coach of soccer at West Point.