The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, November 24, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Encouraging Reports on Soccer Activities
That the soccer fever has invaded adjoining cities and towns is indicated by the encouraging reports heard on the activities of this sport. Easton will be represented with soccer for the first time in years and apparently is going at it strong, for a league has been organized that will carry eight clubs. The management wants to conduct the game strictly "according to Hoyle" and had a representative come to Bethlehem relative to affiliating with the Bethlehem & District Soccer Association. This does not mean that the teams will be included with those represented in the league. They will conduct their own league but the games will be under strict regulation. With nine clubs identified with the Bethlehem & District League in this city and eight in Easton, it increases the total of minor teams in this second to 17. It is also likely that Allentown will take a tip and follow suit by organizing a league.

Great News for Steel Management
The fact that this locality promises to be a hot-bed for soccer should be good news for the management of the Bethlehem Steel Club for it was really the Bethlehem Steel that introduced the sport in this section of the country. For some reason, interest in the game lagged but promises to be greatly stimulated by the increased activity. In order to present a representative team, the Steel Workers were forced to import most of the players. However, one of the officials expressed himself as much rather favoring the selection of local players and stated that whenever they showed promise of developing they would be signed with the big club. With the extensive campaigning this season, it would, therefore, cause little surprise if some of the sand-lotters were given a chance with the big Bethlehem team next year.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club