The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 28, 1922
American League Season Will be Opened Here Saturday With Harrison F. C.

by Sita Dell
With football activities practically at a close, soccer will be more firmly entrenched when the American League season for home games is inaugurated on the Bethlehem F. C>, field on Saturday afternoon. The Bethlehem F. C. will have as their initial opponents in a league game the strong Harrison F. C. of Harrison, N. J.

The Bethlehem's practically an entirely new team, have at last developed into a condition that the management hopes will be sufficiently good to bring home the bacon in the National Cup competition and American League race.

Opponents that will come to Bethlehem and will face Bethlehem on foreign loam, will, in many instances, include as a nucleus of their squad former celebrities of the once famous Bethlehem machine, which was completely wrecked when these old mainstays sought other climes. No less than five of the strongest of the Eastern teams include former Bethlehem players on their roster.

And the Harrison F. C., the team to oppose Bethlehem on the Bethlehem Steel Field on Saturday afternoon will be no exception. In addition to many stars, signed when soccer activities were abandoned by the Robins Dry Docks, the Harrison management include in their lineup two, Sam Fletcher, a right fullback, and James Campbell, a center halfback, who were both members of the Bethlehem team which made the trip to Sweden. Campbell, although a veteran in the game, is conceded the peer of center forwards in this country.

Bethlehem will have two games this week. On Thursday, they journey to Brooklyn, N. Y., to meet the Brooklyn F. C., a new entry in the American League.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club