The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, December 5, 1922
Two Contests Will be Played With New England Clubs in American League

With a double header scheduled, the Bethlehem F. C. will experience a busy weekend, the outcome of which may result in a material change in the team standing in the American League. The Bethlehem team leaves here Friday night to invade the New England states and also to meet two spirited rivals of the home clan, strengthened by the acquisition of former Bethlehem stars.

On Saturday afternoon the Bethlehems oppose the strong J & P Coats team, of Pawtucket, R. I. The Coats outfit have included in their ranks "Whitey" Fleming and "Jock" Ferguson, both players having been a tower of offensive and defensive strength when sporting the colors of the Steel Workers.

Another comparison of merit to note will be that of "Jock" Ferguson, a back for the Pawtucket eleven, and "Duggy" Ferguson, a brother holding down a similar position with Bethlehem. "Duggy" is considered very good, but in an impartial sense of rating, it is believed that his brother "Jock" more experienced by longer years in the sport, still has the upper hand. The long kicks of Ferguson, driving the ball out of Bethlehem's zone when danger threatened are sadly missed.

On Sunday it will be the Fall River team that the Bethlehem F. C. goes against and this aggregation boats of the biggest array of former Bethlehem talent as their nucleus. Included with the Fall River aggregation are Harold Brittan, center forward, and highest individual scorer in the American Soccer League last season; "Bob" Millar, clever and tricky in manipulating the ball; Fred Pepper, a veteran of many years ago; Collier and Lorimer.

Should Bethlehem return victorious in both these contests, the team should have a pretty strong hold on first place in the league standing.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club