The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, December 6, 1920
Both Soccer Elevens Score One Goal Each in Two Hours of Hard Play

Dobson F. C. and Bethlehem Steel F. C. played two hours to a tie in the second round of the American cup before 3,000 fans on Saturday at Philadelphia. The Steel Workers were much superior to the local team in combination, but lacked the ability to crown their efforts with goals, the forward line giving their worst display of the season. The field was narrow and had a great deal to do with breaking up the Bethlehem attack, but nevertheless a great number of opportunities to score were missed, due to bad shooting and over-elaborate finessing in front of goal. The worst offender in the shooting line was Satterwaite, who missed at least four chances to decide the game in the Steel Workers' favor. During the two hours of play the Steel Workers did most of the attacking, but their efforts were wasted through the poor work of the forward line. Dobson played hard from the start to finish and several times in the closing stages of the game came near registering the deciding goal through determined rushes to the Bethlehem defense. The most prominent player on the Dobson side was John Wilson at left fullback. He repeatedly broke up the Bethlehem attack, and undoubtedly saved his side from defeat.

The Game

Bethlehem won the toss and were first to attack and Satterwaite tested Ehrline from twenty yards' range. The goalkeeper cleared and Bethlehem again attacked and Brittan just missed the upright from a cross from Wilson. Dobson broke away, but the Bethlehem defense was on the alert and, Campbell getting possession, passed to Brittan, who looked like going through when he was tripped outside the penalty area by Welsh. The referee awarded a free kick and Brittan opened the scoring with a beautiful shot that beat Ehrline all the way.

Bethlehem now seemed to think that goals would come easy and contented themselves with clever combination, with the result that many good opportunities to score were lost and despite the fact that they did most of the pressing in the first half, they were unable to add to t heir score. Score end of the first half: Bethlehem 1, Dobson 0.

Second Half
Dobson started off with a rush and their left wing looked dangerous, but the Bethlehem defense was too much for them and the Steel Workers again took up the attack, Ehrline saving from Brittan from long range. Satterwaite missed an open goal on a pass from Wilson and Forrest lifted the ball over the bar when it seemed impossible to do so. Dobson was now playing in much better from than in the opening stages and several rushes by the left wing kept Collier and Duncan on the move, the latter taking good care of all shots that got beyond the fullbacks, and it looked as if the final whistle would find the Steel Workers ahead by one goal; but after forty minutes' play Burgin scored from close range after receiving the ball from Hemingway. This goal put new life into the Dobson team and made the Steel Workers' task much harder, but no further scoring took place in the regulation periods and the referee's whistle found them tied at one goal each. Two fifteen minute extra periods were ordered by the referee and in each period the Steel Workers had much the better of the play, but the old weakness in front of goal held good until the end. Ehrline was fortunate on at least two occasions when Brittan missed scoring from headers from close range and also when Campbell headed into goal on a corner from Fleming. Fullback Wilson cleared when the goalkeeper was beaten. Bethlehem got a great fright in the closing minutes when Collier miskicked, but he recovered cleverly and no further danger accrued to either side. The game ended in semi-darkness with the score tied at one goal each. The game will be replayed on Bethlehem Steel field next Saturday.

Dobson F. C. -- Bethlehem
Ehrline -- G -- Duncan
Howley -- RFB -- Collier
Wilson -- LFB -- Ferguson
Welsh -- RHB -- Murray
Brooks -- CHB -- Campbell
Walker -- LHB -- Morrison
Crogan -- OR -- J. Wilson
Foster -- IR -- Satterwaite
Burgin -- CF -- Brittan
Hemingway -- IL -- Forrest
Brown -- OL - -Fleming
Goals -- Brittan and Burgin. Linesmen: Easton and Hemingway. Referee: Scott. Two 45-minute halves and two extra 15-minute periods.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club