The Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
December 8, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Compared With the Old Bethlehem Machine
Included among the spectators at the soccer game last Saturday were quite a few fans who were of the opinion that the newly organized outfit had not yet reached the stage of effectiveness and understanding of the old Bethlehem team. However, they were quite frank in the opinion that once the players become more familiar with the style of each other's playing and developed consistent teamwork, the squad is going to surpass the merit of the former champions. That opinion seems general among soccer critics, many of which are already conceding the National Honors to Bethlehem. One soccer expert commenting on the makeup of the Bethlehem team had this to say:

"Judging from what we lamped it is our humble opinion that the eleven sporting Bethlehem's colors this year is even a better balanced lineup than the old Bethlehem's, which won so many cups and titles. There is more aggressiveness in that forward line, while the defense is even stronger, particularly the halfbacks, while the fullbacks and goalkeeper form a defense that is second to none in the country.

"When it is considered that this same team was practically an unknown quantity at the beginning of the season it is all the more phenomenal that the players have been whipped into such good shape that each and every one are now cavorting around in their proper positions. Besides that, there is that uniformity in their passing and combination play even at this young stage."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club