At Pawtucket the Blue and White aggregation attacked up against a team that was reinforced with former Bethlehem stars, included in their lineup the old reliable "Jock" Ferguson, "Whitey" Fleming and Neilson. Fall River also presented in their lineup a bevy of former Bethlehem celebrities, most prominent of which was Harold Brittan, center forward.
According to reports from Pawtucket, the Threadmen outplayed the Bethlehem outfit for three-quarters of the game, although they were very poor in their shots for goal, especially in the first period, when a sea of mud before the goal mouth made the footing very treacherous.
No score was made in the first half, although Coats threatened on several occasions. Bethlehem also gave Schofield four easy chances.
Bethlehem opened the scoring five minutes after the beginning of the second half, when Faulds caged a penalty kick. Coats evened midway through this period when Fleming passed the ball in front of the goal to Neilson, who back-tackled it into the net. Ten minutes later McIntosh headed the ball into the cage on a corner kick from Shepperd. Neilson caged the leather two minutes before the end of play, but the goal failed to count because of off-side play.
Bethlehem was unable to consistently penetrate the Coats defense and only on three occasions looked dangerous enough to score, while on the other hand Coats was continually threatening and made many slips when they drove the ball for the net.
Kerr, at goal, played brilliantly for the Pennsylvania team and Goldie, Faulds and Cox figured in some exceptionally clever passing.
By playing Bethlehem to a scoreless tie, Fall River retained the lead in the American League. It as a very cold day, with a biting northeast wind sweeping the field, which chilled the spectators to the bone. Wonderful defense on the part of Young and Ferguson kept the Fall River forward line in check, while the steelworkers were unable to get by Tate and Kemp. Both teams were handicapped by the condition of the field.
In the first period Stone booted one off the bar and Reed blew two similar shots. Lorimer missed the first penalty kick since joining the local club when Ferguson fouled Brittan in the first period. Kerr outguessed him and made a wonderful save.
In the second period Fall River had several chances to score. While the club outplayed Bethlehem, having the ball mostly in their territory, the forwards lacked a concerted attack and consequently the steel defense was equal to the task. The lineups:
Coats -- Bethlehem
Schofield --G -- Kerr
Stevenson -- RFB -- Young
J. Ferguson -- LFB -- D. Ferguson
Lappin -- RHB -- Rattray
McIntosh -- CHB -- Raeside
McAvoy -- LHB -- Terrence
Shepherd - -OR - -Campbell
Fleming -- OL -- Goldie
Neilson -- CF -- McFarlane
Gallagher -- IR -- Faulds
Gilmore -- IL - -Cox
Score: Coats, 2; Bethlehem 1. Goals: Faulds, Neilson, McIntosh. Referee: Walsh, Boston, Linesmen: Burns, Coats, and Forrest, Bethlehem. Time: 45 minute periods.
Fall River -- Bethlehem
Whalen -- G -- Kerr
Tate -- RFB -- Young
Kemp -- LFB -- Ferguson
Lorimer - -RHB -- Rattray
Orr -- CHB -- Raeside
Dalrymple -- LHB -- Terrence
Wouters -- OR -- Campbell
Rold -- IR - -Fauld
Brittan -- OF -- McFarlane
Drummond -- IL -- Faulds
Stone -- OL - -Goldie
Referee -- Lambie, Southbridge. Time of halves: 45 minutes.