Steel Workers Likely to Meet Robins
A battle royal is assured if the Bethlehem Steel F. C. defeats the Hibernians in the third round of the American Cup competition to be staged in Philadelphia next Saturday, for then the Bethlehem outfit will qualify to meet the Robins Dry Docks eleven, one of Bethlehem's most heated rivals, in the fourth round in this competition. The Robins, it was thought, were eliminated by the New York F. C. but a protest entered by the Brooklyn team was upheld by the cup officials and in the replay staged yesterday afternoon, the Robins were victorious by a score of 3 to 1. In meeting the Hibernians, the Steel Workers should experience little difficulty in emerging the victor for while the Hibernians are conceded strong, they can hardly be classed with the strength of some of the teams that Bethlehem has met and defeated this season. Especially if the Steel Workers display the form they did against Dobson on Saturday afternoon, there can be no other result but victory forthcoming.