Big Soccer Tilt, Christmas Day Attraction
Anyone acquainted with the ins and outs of soccer will vouch that the feeling between the Robins Dry Docks eleven and the Bethlehem Steel is probably anything but friendly. This may be due to the fact that it was the Robins who last season deprived the Steel Workers of entering the final round in the American Cup competition and it may also be due to the fact that the Robins' scouts invaded the ranks of the Steel Workers two season ago and made a wholesale raid on the local players, many of whom are still retained in the Brooklyn line-up. No matter what the cause may be, it is commonly known that the rivalry between these two squads is at fire heat and whenever they get together a battle royal can be expected. All that stands between such a clash in the cup competition is the result of the Bethlehem Steel-Hibernian third round game in the American Cup at Philadelphia on Saturday, and if the dope runs true to form, the Steel Workers should emerge on the top by a comfortable margin. If such is the case, Bethlehem will be honored with the Robins-Steel game as the star attraction on the afternoon of Christmas day. The game would be the fourth round of the American Cup competition. The National Cup, the most coveted titular affair of the season, would have preference in selecting dates but since Bethlehem is eliminated in this competition, there is little chance of any interference from that source. Both these elevens, now that the chances of winning in the National classic have been killed, are pointed for at least one cup honor and are going to make a strong bid to eliminate each other when they meet on the Bethlehem Steel field. As a holiday attraction, it is doubtful if a better or more interesting game could have been arranged.