The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, December 20, 1920
Local Soccer Eleven Will Now Meet Robins in Fourth Round American Cup

by Sita Dell
Bethlehem Steel qualified to meet the Robins Dry Dock in the fourth round of the American Cup as the result of Saturday's decisive victory over the Hibernians in Philadelphia of the third round. The score was 3 to 0. At no time during the game did the Hibs look like worthy opponents for the Steel Workers, despite the fact that the first half ended without either team scoring.

In the second half Bethlehem was much superior and as the result of continuous pressure, three goals were registered against Kerr. For the Hibernians, Butcher and Gilmore were most prominent, while to give special mention to any one of the Bethlehem players would be an injustice for the team played as a unit and every man was in the best of form.

The Hibernians won the toss and started off with the wind behind them. Bethlehem was first to attack, Wilson sending past. Bethlehem continued to attack and Brittan tested Kerr with a low drive. The goalkeeper was on the alert and cleared easily and the Hibernian right wing broke away. Ferguson cleared and for a time play centered around midfield with both halfback lines putting in some clever work.
The Bethlehem halfbacks finally gained control of the Hibs' line and a determined attack ensued. However, the Hibs' defense was equal to all emergency and thwarted the efforts of the Bethlehem forwards. The Hibernian defense was helped to some extent by the erratic shooting of the Bethlehem vanguard and half time found the Steel Workers pressing, with neither team able to locate the net.

In the second half the Steel Workers were favored by the elements and it was early seen t hat it was only a matter of time until the Hibernian defense would fall. Shots were directed at Kerr from all angles but it was not until after 15 minutes' play that Wilson opened the scoring with a long shot that Kerr handled but failed to hold. This goal was a direct result of a clever cross by Brittan who found Wilson unmarked and instantly gave him the opportunity to shoot with a neat pass.

With the one-goal lead, Bethlehem played with the usual confidence and the Hibernian defense was subjected to severe pressure. After several narrow escapes, Forrest registered the second goal from close range, Kerr having no chance with the shot. The Hibernians braced momentarily and inaugurated an attack and Graham had an excellent opportunity to score but shot past with no one to beat but Easton. This narrow escape had its effect on the Bethlehem team and they exerted themselves to such an extent that the Hibernian defense was once more the object of attack. This pressure was continued until Bethlehem registered a third goal, Forrest again being the marksman after clever maneuvering by the entire line. The Hibs appeared on the verge of exhaustion as the result of the long passing game of the steel workers and although they tried desperately to initiate an attack, the Bethlehem defense was master of the situation at all times and the game ended with the score 3 goals to 0, in favor of Bethlehem.

The lineup:

Bethlehem -- Hibernians
Easton -- G -- Kerr
Bethune -- RFB -- Butcher
Ferguson -- LFB -- Budd
Murray -- RHB -- McDonough
Campbell -- CHB -- Gilmore
Morrison -- LHB -- Dickson
Wilson -- OR -- McCartney
Satterwaite -- IR -- Parker
Brittan -- CF -- Graham
Forrest -- IL -- Thompson
Fleming -- OL -- Brigham
Goals -- Wilson, Forrest, 2. Referee -- James Walders, Philadelphia. Linesmen -- Morrison, Bethlehem, Blaney, Hibernians. Time of halves -- 45 minutes.

Tommy Fleming played on Saturday with an injured rib and kept to the sidelines during the early part of the game. However, he was responsible for some of his well known drives and Kerry had to be on the alert to save them from reaching the net.

Bethune, who played at right halfback in the last two games, was switched to right fullback in place of Collier, where he gave a clever exhibition in defensive work.

Tommy Murray assumed his old position at right halfback and also displayed good form.

"Jimmy" Easton took Duncan's place in goal and did all that was expected of him in good style. Duncan's absence was due to an injury he received in the Dobson game at Philadelphia which has been slow to respond to treatment.

The clever football showed by Satterwaite and Brittan on the Bethlehem forward line was a revelation to Philadelphia soccer fans.

The work of this pair of players was greatly admired by the spectators and at times fairly dazed their opponents.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club