On Sunday afternoon the Bethlehem team journeys to New York City to meet the New York F. C. in the fourth round of a National Cup game. This is probably one of the most important games for Bethlehem this season, since this cup competition is the National classic and the hometown players are anxious to remain in the running. In opposing the Gotham outfit the Bethlehem aggregation meets probably one of the strongest teams in the East and a torrid battle is sure to result. In a previous meeting Bethlehem defeated the New Yorkers by a score of one goal to none.
On Christmas Day afternoon the Bethlehem F. C. will have as its guests in this city the strong Philadelphia F. C. in an American League game. The Phillies are the club which assumed the berth of the Bethlehem team which campaigned in Bethlehem [THE AUTHOR SURELY MEANS PHILADELPHIA AND NOT BETHLEHEM] last season but returned to its home loam for this year's campaigning.
In announcing the games it will be pleasing to local soccer fans to know that the Bethlehem team will appear at its best against the New Yorkers. This is possible since several of the strongest assets, who were on the sidelines with injuries, will be back in harness. The lineup of last Saturday against Paterson, in the American League game here, will have no less than four changes and will mark the return of McNiven to the forward line. McNiven will come back to his old position at center forward, a position which was creditably filled by "Jimmy" Easton on Saturday. Rattray will be in the lineup in place of McFarlane, and Raeside, as a result, will go back to his old position at center halfback. Cox, the other reserve in last Saturday's game will be replaced by Terris. With these changes, together with Kerr, goal; Young and Ferguson, fullbacks; Campbell, Faulds, Granger and Goldie, forwards, Bethlehem hopes to win the both games.